COVID-19 Announcement
At Sunbury Chiropractic, your health is always our number one priority. As we continue to provide care to our patients, we have continued to implement measures to increase the cleaning and sanitizing practices in our office, which includes all treatment surfaces, common areas and frequently touched surfaces like door knobs, sign in areas, treatment chairs and tables, etc. This is standard in all healthcare offices as we continue to provide care to those in need.
In these unprecedented times, what can you do to improve your health and reduce the risk for you and your family? Beyond discussing concerns with your primary care physician, here are some suggestions that we recommend:
- Drink plenty of water
- Eat healthy, nutrient rich foods
- Get plenty of rest/sleep
- Take daily vitamins, including those that are known to support your immune system
- Incorporate daily physical activity and stress reduction techniques like meditation into your routine
- Get fresh air. As the weather changes, open windows and get outside as much as possible
- Get adjusted
- Avoid large crowds and people exhibiting signs of fever and cough
- If you don’t feel well, stay home and limit your interactions with other people
- Wash your hands frequently
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth, unless you are certain your hands are clean
- Cough and sneeze into the crook of your elbow
- Don’t panic. Stay informed with accurate information.
If updated information changes the way that we are able to deliver care, we let you know. Otherwise, the doctors and staff at Sunbury Chiropractic remain committed to serving you. If you have any specific concerns or questions regarding the measures we are taking in our office to keep our staff and patients healthy and safe, we are here to help. Please call our office 740-965-4301. Thank you all and be safe.